Have you ever gone on a mission trip, or heard of someone going on one, where the people who were served had next to nothing but seemed so content and full of joy? Have you ever decided to volunteer, expecting a feeling of gratification, but instead feeling incredibly humbled by the impact the people you served had on you?
That’s been the case in our lives on many occasions.
David and I used to do youth ministry together. Initially, we thought about all the ways we could influence and teach the young people we worked with on a regular basis. But, I’ve got to tell you, the two of us learned so much from the kids and the other adults we served alongside.
We’ve also been able to participate in several short-term mission’s trips over the years. While we built porches, installed new siding on a home, dug drainage ditches, served meals or taught VBS lessons in a different country, we actually were learning a valuable lesson about serving others: when we serve others, we are actually being blessed in the process.
This has become very evident in a more recent ministry that David and I have been a part of. About 5 years ago David and I were asked by someone in our church if we would be interested in preparing and serving a monthly breakfast to the Primetimers’ Group in our church. I must say that our son, Nathan, affectionately calls them “The Grey-Tops.” David and I enjoy cooking and providing opportunities for fellowship to others, so we accepted this offer.
At first, it was just the two of us that would plan out these monthly meals and do the shopping. We’d prep all the food the night before and set up the Community Room at our church with tables, chairs and a few pretty decorations to make the environment a little special for this group. Within a short amount of time, we suckered in a few more people to help us in the kitchen and before we knew it, we had ourselves a Kitchen Crew every month. As we chopped, diced and washed dishes, we’d share stories about our lives and families. We’d laugh like crazy. Our special bond with these people grew into an irreplaceable friendship. Before we knew it, we also became friends with many of the Primetimers’ we were serving. These friendships were a little more unlikely simply because of the many years that separated us.
We might not have met if it wasn’t for these monthly breakfasts. What we learned in the process was that these people shared wisdom and knowledge with us and their friendships have also been a huge blessing in our lives.
Sadly, David & I have decided that our time with this very special ministry is coming to an end to make room in our schedule for what God’s doing in our lives. This past Tuesday was our final time to prepare the Primetimers’ meal. We pray that someone else will come alongside this ministry and volunteer to serve this wonderful group. We’re struggling with letting go, but in the same time we realize that some things are only for a season, and our season is changing.
We’ve been blessed beyond measure for the wonderful gift of friendship that we’ve received from serving a simple meal once a month. David and I are walking away with a treasure that cannot be taken away simply because we won’t be involved in this ministry any more. So, thanks to our “Kitchen Crew” and to the Primetimers for giving us so much!
Thanks, again. It was always pleasant to come to brunch because of all the effort you and your crew put into it. It won’t be the same. You know, I don’t think it is supposed to be the same. It’s just another way for God to move us on!! Love to all of you!!