You may be aware that David and I have been traveling around the country lately with our videographer as we capture interviews for a documentary we are filming. We’ve been blessed by everyone’s stories and we are very excited to finally document the story that God’s been writing in our lives. This process has been extremely tiring for us, as we’ve traveled many miles and put in an abundance of long hours and late nights. It’s also been a time of stress and anxiety for the people who have graciously volunteered to be interviewed because, let’s face it- nobody likes to sit in front of a video camera while it’s recording, right? It’s just so awkward.
Well, this past Sunday, the tables were turned. A film crew from San Diego, California came out to our home armed with contraptions, lights, tripods and cameras. David and I were put in front of the camera this time and we were asked to share our story. So, for those of you who have done an interview for our project, please note that we aren’t asking you to do anything that we aren’t willing to do.
The company that was conducting this interview is Bio-Oil, who specializes in producing a moisturizing oil that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and other skin issues. Bio-Oil supports the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, a non-profit organization that we volunteer with.
They are teaming up to produce a short 5 minute video that will highlight several burn survivors to draw attention to burn injuries and how to reclaim life after a burn. We are honored to be a part of this project. It should be released on social media sometime in April and we will post an update so you can catch a glimpse of it.
So, stay tuned….
Love your strength through faith.
Thanks for your encouragement!
Thanks Carly and David for sharing your story to bring awareness to the burn community and the Phoenix Society!
We’re honored to be able to be a small part of a project that will highlight how an entire family is impacted by a burn injury- not just the physically injured person. And we will always try to find a way to point people back to the amazing resources of the Phoenix Society For Burn Survivors. Thanks for all you do!
You guys are such a testimony to faith in the face of extreme difficulty. I’m humbled to know you. Love you so much!
I continue to be grateful for our friendship. I’m thankful that we’ve been able to stay connected over the years and across many miles. You’ve been an amazing friend and I cherish the laughs and the tears we’ve shared together. Thanks for being a part of my life!
I can’t wait to see the video! And I LOVE your website and blog.
Thanks for following our story through the website!