It seems like just yesterday that I was snuggling with my newborn baby boy for hours on the living room couch; or we were watching him take his first steps as he held on to a bouquet of helium balloons that he thought were holding him up; or we watched him run across the road with his overstuffed backpack to get on that big yellow school bus in front of our home. Today Nathan is turning 18 years old and although I don’t feel pangs of regret for things we didn’t ever get around to doing or feel as though we missed out on time we should’ve spent together, I feel pure amazement that eighteen years could go by so quickly.
We’ve been able to do so much together!
We’ve laughed together, traveled together, learned together, mourned together and played together. Some parents get to this phase and wish they could go back and have a major “Re-Do” or a “Do-Over.” I don’t feel that way at all. Obviously, we haven’t done it all perfectly, but I feel like we’ve done the past 18 years pretty well. I couldn’t be any prouder of the man Nathan is becoming and I’m excited to see what God has in store for him next. I worry if I’ve taught him enough but I know he will learn life skills on his own too as he heads off to Purdue University in the fall to study Engineering.
Honestly, I will really miss Nathan being a part of our home on a daily basis. He brings a lighthearted joy to the house with his quirky sense of humor. He’s always been the jester of our family, who tries to lighten up the mood when any conflict arises. I will miss having an entire house full of hungry, loud teenage boys who gather around the television in the family room, wailing and shouting at the FIFA soccer players on the screen. Since he is our youngest, I wonder about what my new role will become once there aren’t any children left in our home. Will I find purpose again? What will my days look like when we don’t have soccer games to attend, golf matches to go to, iPads to drop off at the school because they’ve accidently been left at home?
I’m not fearing the empty nest- I am silently looking forward to the new chapter of our lives. Plus, I still am madly in love with my husband and I’m excited at what God has planned for our future. But I’m feeling a bit apprehensive about letting go. I pray that we’ve taught him the basics in life so when he leaves the walls of our home he will continue to become the man that God intends him to be.
Happy Birthday, Nate. Our youngest son, who is a Purdue graduate in Building/Construction Technology and is now in charge of construction at O’Hare airport in Chicago, says if you have Purdue attached to your name you won’t have any problems with jobs. Good luck to you in your endeavors from the Goodings.
Thanks for the encouraging words for Nathan. Name recognition is one of the main reasons Nathan has chosen Purdue over a few other great schools he’s looked at. We’re excited at what’s next for him! Love Ya!
It’s all so bittersweet isn’t it? Happy birthday Nate! I will miss seeing all our boys “being boys” too, but so blessed to have been part of such a fun part of their high school years;) Love you guys!
It’s crazy, isn’t it? We have really enjoyed getting to know you on the sidelines of the soccer fields. We will always cherish the times of standing in the rain, sweating in the sweltering heat and squinting into the sun to watch our boys play the game they love so much. Thanks for all you did to make their soccer years a success!
Happy Birthday Nathan! I loved looking at the pictures through the years. Look out world – here comes Nate!
Enjoy interviewing and
Happy birthday Nathan
Thanks, David! We really enjoyed seeing you a few weeks ago! Thanks for being a part of our project and for taking the time out of your busy day to come hang out with us!