I’ve come to the conclusion that life is made up of a constant stream of changes, and so much is determined by how well we’re able to adapt to them.
As parents, our roles are constantly changing. When our kids are just babies, we want them to talk and walk, when they are in the “terrible two’s, throwing tantrums, bombarding us with “why?” we can’t wait for them to grow out of that” stage. When they board the big yellow school bus for the first time, our hearts about break and we must tackle the changes in our family schedule, trying to juggle homework, and sporting events. Then those “little” kids grow up, head off to college and even get married. All long, we must find new ways to continue to let go as our parenting roles decrease as their maturity levels increase. It’s a tricky balance and we don’t always get it right.
Our bodies change. Our hair color changes. Our tastes in clothing change. What we like to eat changes. Where we live changes. Who we are friends with changes. How we parent our children changes with time. What we do for recreation changes. How often we see family members changes. Our health changes. What occupies our time changes. Our priorities change. Our faith changes. Our eyesight changes. The list is virtually endless. It seems like just when we get comfortable, life throws us a curveball.
Ecclesiastes 3:1- For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
Joshua 1:9- Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Hebrews 13:8- Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Sometimes we wish things would change, so we embrace it, yet other times we fight back change because it’s scary or pushes us out of our comfort zone.
I think it’s healthy for us to expect change to happen. It allows us to keep moving forward and not get stuck in one place, doing the same thing day in and day out. Growth comes out of change. Think of the miraculous change of a caterpillar into a butterfly- the transformation that takes place is absolutely amazing.
I want to experience that kind of change- the kind that makes me more beautiful- I’m not talking about just a physical appearance here- I want the total, complete transformation from the inside out… I want my heart to change. I want to have a desire to embrace what’s next with expectant anticipation instead of fear. I want to fly into the future, without being stuck to the ground, in the routine.
But, I must admit, I struggle with the fear of the unknown. It creeps in every now and again. Today, I’m struggling a bit because I’m not quite sure how this empty next thing is going to play out. We’re waiting to hear the results from David’s recent biopsy and my mind wanders to places it shouldn’t- it borrows trouble before it even needs to.
As our book release date rapidly approaches, I worry about what the next steps will be for our ministry. Will our story resonate with others? Will God’s glory be heard though our written words? Will others be encouraged by our message?
I’m going to cling to the truth in God’s word and try to remember how faithful He is. I need to remember that He is with me regardless of what I’m going through or how uncertain the future seems.
I pray you’re able to do them same.
Thank you for this post It is indeed very useful
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