It’s hard to believe that it’s been less than two weeks since we were given David’s cancer diagnosis. The past 13 days have been filled with several doctor’s appointments for consultations, numerous diagnostic tests and two trips to Chicago. It has also included a perpetual knot in the pit of my stomach, a headache that never seems to go completely away, a spot in my chest that aches from fear and worry, and tears, sometimes sobs, that come uncontrollably as the weight of what we might be facing smacks me head on.
While my mind tries to stabilize the runaway thoughts and tells me repeatedly, “It’s just skin cancer,” I know better. Most people who get a skin cancer diagnosis don’t undergo tests for brain, liver, lungs and bones and the doctors don’t have them contemplate the prognosis of an amputation of a limb. We are walking in dangerous territory and we understand that. The enemy we are facing has the ability to steal a great amount from us.
Normally, I am able to trump my worries by staying positive and only focusing on the facts that we are facing at the time, instead of borrowing trouble from the future. But the past two weeks, I have found it to be a struggle to stay positive and for my thoughts to not drift off to the scary, dark places. We have turned to prayer and we’ve been chatting with God quite a bit these days. When I’ve had a difficult time being able to center my mind on much of anything, our friends and family have blitzed us with scriptures. Reading God’s word and remembering His truth’s has given us a sense of peace that is not able to be described in a worldly way. We have felt God’s loving arms wrap us in His care these past few days as we’ve anxiously waited for test results to come back. Friends have brought us meals. We’ve had help with yard work. We’ve received cards in the mail and thoughtful notes on our Facebook page and emails, all letting us know we are not alone in this battle.
The past few days we have conquered a few important battles. David has had X-Rays, CT scans, full body bone scans and biopsies performed in the past week. We have cast up a host of prayers on his behalf and one by one, the tests have all come back clear! Praise God! We are still waiting for the new biopsy results to come back from the pathologist, but we are trying to be cautiously optimistic. Tomorrow, Thursday, July 10, David will go back into the operating room. We won’t have a clear picture of what we are fighting until the surgeon gets in and is able to determine how deep this cancerous enemy truly is. David’s prognosis, treatment and healing are hinged on what they find tomorrow.
As we head to sleep this evening, our thoughts are running rampant and the fears are trying to creep back in, but we will stand firm and rest in the reassurances of God’s word. When life spins out of control, we’re sometimes only left hanging on to our faith. It’s in these moments, when faith is all we have, that it becomes much more evident how important our faith really is. It’s our prayer that in whatever battle you may find yourself in at this very moment that you will also feel the peace and comfort of our Savior, who comes alongside us, who weeps with us, who holds us in the palm of His hand, and who will never leave us. We trust that He will bring us through whatever we are forced to battle and we will praise God in all things!
“Fear not, for I am with you. I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” Isaiah 41:10
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
“God can do anything, you know- far more than you could imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” Ephesians 3:20-21
“Whenever you have trials, consider it joy because it is the testing of your faith that produces endurance. Endurance- perseverance- and perseverance- hope!” James 1:2
I’m so glad your strength in God is so strong. He will be with David and all of you today. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all day, as well as the doctors, nurses and others that care for David. He is God!
I woke up early this morning and the first thing that flashed through my mind was David Bowers. I said a prayer right then for all of you. He is a remarkable man and has a remarkable family. Mary and I are glad that you all are part of our lives. Love and prayers to you!!
You have had our continued prayers and we will keep lifting you all up! Psalms 62:2 He alone is my rock and y salvation, my fortress, I will not be moved.
Prayers for the surgeon today – wisdom and steady hands! For the IV to go well; for the surgeon to be able to get all of the cancers & most of all that you will see, feel, and know God’s faithfulness not matter what. Praying peace! Love to all!
Ken and Karen
Prayers are sent your way .God is watching over you
will be on the pray list tonite